In this section you can view team members, extension number , call forward (number that if assigned, call will be routed to this number in case the team member didn't answer on his extension), role and team assigned too.
Besides each team member, by pressing the three dots on the right side, you will also be able to assign the member to an additional team, reset password, deactivatre the member, settings (see more information below) and delete the member.
Under member settings, you can do all needed changes related to this member. You can edit first and last name, change extension number, and enable Call Forward feature.
If Call Forward feature is enabled, you will have the following options:
- Failover: In case the member is not reachable on his extension, the call will be forwarded to the backup number.
- Bypass user phones: If enabled, no matter to how many queues the member is assigned, the call will be fowarded to the backup number.
- Direct calls only: If anyone tried to reach the member directly via member's extension, the call will be forwarded to the backup phone.
- Require key press: When enabled, any call forwarded to the backup number will be preceded by a message requiring to press any key to accept this call. This is super helpful for your members to know if the forwaded call is business related.
You can also change the role of the member, team assigned to, and multiple options for enabling call recordings.
When enabling voicemail, you can chose to either receive under voicemail section on the left menu, or sending the voicemail to an email.
In addition, you can control weather you want to skip the Greeting/Instruction messages, and even adding a media to be played before reaching the Mailbox.
The platform also enabled you to clear your saved voicemail messages.
Finally you can change the caller ID the member is using, and deleting or deactivating the member.
Have any questions? You can always contact our Support Team at [email protected].
TalkChief Team