TalkChief Platform

Hubspot V3 Integration - How to


Now you can have all your call activities within your Hubspot V3 CRM, including call records and details.

In order to enable this feature, you need to do the following:

Generate Access Token from Hubspot

Login to your Hubspot Account:

  • Go to Settings on the top right side of your Hubspot account page:
TalkChief Hubspot Integration
TalkChief Hubspot

  • On the left side menu, under Account Setup -> Integrations -> Private Apps
TalkChief Hubspot Integration
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • Click on "Create Private App"
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • You will get the new Private App page, fill the name filed, and then go to "Scopes"
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • After you fill the Name field, go to "Scopes", this is where you will chose what TalkChief App can access and do.
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • You need to add the following scopes:




You will need to add them one by one, and chose the right permission, for example, for "" scope:

TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • When done, you should see all scopes as following:
TalkChief Hubspot Integration
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • Click on "Create App"
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • You will get the confirmation window, click on "Continue Creating"
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • You will get a window showing you your generated Access Token
TalkChief Hubspot Integration
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

Please note that in order to copy the token, you need click on "Show token" first, copying will be enabled.

Install Hubspot V3 Integration on your TalkChief Account

  • Copy the token, and login to your TalkChief Account, under "Integrations", you will see the Hubspot V3 Integration:
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

  • Click on Hubspot V3 "View Integration", paste the Hubspot V3 Access Token under "Configure Integration"
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

Please note that you can enable Hubspot V3 as your default CRM for inbound calls, you can also enable creating new leads in case the lead doesnt exist in your CRM.

  • Click "Install", and you are ready to go :)
TalkChief Hubspot Integration
TalkChief Hubspot Integration

Have any questions? You can always contact our Support Team at [email protected].

TalkChief Team