In this section, you can manage your queue breaks. This is really important because it has direct effect on the Queue SLA's.

This is where you can enable/disable this feature. If enabled then you n eed to define in the next step the Agent daily break. Please note that if an agent exceeds his/her daily break, the admin will get notified, and will show in the agent's dashboard.
In this section you can see the pre-built (default) break categories: (You can edit these break categories).

However, you can still add a break category, where you just need to add the name, chose an icon, and finally break type (work/break).
Please note that "work break" wont be calculated within the configured break given to the agent, as this will be used for work purposes, like updating the CRM record of the client.

Have any questions? You can always contact our Support Team at [email protected].
TalkChief Team